Why Give?
Our ideas on how to improve the educational experience of our students are limitless.
Unfortunately, our resources are not.
People give to Kerr-Vance Academy in different ways and for different purposes. The unifying theme is a desire to enhance the educational and experiential outcomes of our students. Every dollar that we receive is used judiciously to allow deserving students to experience a better education.
Annual Fund Giving
Engaging with life, the good and the bad is what we ask our community to do; to lean into the struggle, to learn, and to grow. Each annual gift supports our people - students, faculty, and staff. Your gift is more important than ever as we seek to thrive during these challenging times. Participation is essential. Your gift will signal your commitment to the transformative work that takes place among students and faculty here on this beautiful campus.
Our annual operating budget is dependent on contributions, fundraising, and other support. Tuition and fees by student families cover less than 75% of our operating costs. Donations help us to meet budgetary expenditures, and to provide much needed resources for technology upgrades, student opportunity programs, educational supplies, etc.
Please consider making your gift today!
Prefer to mail a check instead?
Mail donations to the following address:
Kerr-Vance Academy
700 Vance Academy Rd
Henderson, NC 27536
Thank you for supporting Kerr-Vance Academy.
Go Spartans!
Kerr-Vance Academy, Inc. is a recognized tax-exempt nonprofit organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Your contributions and donations are tax deductible.