Kerr-Vance Academy

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KVA Fundraiser - Gift Card Orders

Gift Card Fundraiser

These gift cards are the same gift cards you would normally purchase from a retailer in your local retail stores, and they work the same way. Ordering through the school allows KVA to receive between 2% to 18% of the face value amount of each gift card sold at no additional cost to you. So this is a win-win situation.

Gift card orders along with payment are due by the end of the day Monday, Dec 2nd. To guarantee delivery on Tuesday, Dec 10th, we cannot extend this deadline. As a reminder, our order form does not include all 500 retailers available, but you can visit and view a complete listing of available retailers. If you find a retailer you wish to order from not listed on our order form, just add them on the back of your order form.  Orders will go home with your student in a sealed envelope UNLESS you specify on the order form  to pick it up in the lower school office. 

Thank you for your support!