Join the Library Birthday Club!


A great way to support our library is to participate in the "Birthday Club".  This long, honored tradition helps to maintain a rotation of new books, and increases the selections for the children. They love to read! Maintaining a varied selection, with new book releases, is key to fostering their interests in reading.

The birthday child will be visited in the classroom during the school day and recognized. Your child will have the very first opportunity to check-out the book for reading.

This is a wonderful way to fill our library shelves with new books, and is such a thoughtful surprise and gift for your child!

To participate, complete the order form, and remit $25.00 payable to Ker-Vance Academy.  Our librarian will order an age-appropriate library-bound book as a birthday surprise for your child.  A personalized book plate is created with the student's name, date, and donor.

Please complete your order at least 4 weeks prior to your child’s birthday to allow sufficient time for the book to be ordered, received, cataloged, and book plated.

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